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ABATE Meet & Greet Saturday Jan. 17

ABATE Meet & Greet Saturday Jan. 17

ABATE Meet & Greet Saturday Jan. 17

Boyd McFail




United we Ride……..Divided we Drive

Ed Rutledge

Vice President
Big Dave Monore

Lynn Fibranz

Bobbe Reilly

Co-Sgt-At Arms
Daniel "Spider" Schneider
Mike P

Legislative Affairs
Boyd McFail

Run Coordinator
Julie Forsyth

Bobbe Reilly

Rider Education
Barbara "Barb" Smart

Brad Campbell

Co-Gaming Officer
Jon Sonju
Dan "RC" Owens

Public Relations
Ed Rutledge

Newsletter Editor
Bobbe Reilly 

Web Master
Big Dave Monroe

Board Of Directors

Dan "Havoc" Coffey

Geoff Oliver

Ed Rutledge
Barbara 'Barb" Smart
Tom Evans
Dan "RC" Owens

President Emeritus
Karl "Two Tone" LeRay



Copyright © 2015 ABATE of Alaska, All rights reserved.

Email Marketing Powered by MailChimp

ABATE Meet & Greet Saturday Jan. 17

ABATE Meet & Greet Saturday Jan. 17

ABATE Meet & Greet Saturday Jan. 17

Boyd McFail




United we Ride……..Divided we Drive

Ed Rutledge

Vice President
Big Dave Monore

Lynn Fibranz

Bobbe Reilly

Co-Sgt-At Arms
Daniel "Spider" Schneider
Mike P

Legislative Affairs
Boyd McFail

Run Coordinator
Julie Forsyth

Bobbe Reilly

Rider Education
Barbara "Barb" Smart

Brad Campbell

Co-Gaming Officer
Jon Sonju
Dan "RC" Owens

Public Relations
Ed Rutledge

Newsletter Editor
Bobbe Reilly 

Web Master
Big Dave Monroe

Board Of Directors

Dan "Havoc" Coffey

Geoff Oliver

Ed Rutledge
Barbara 'Barb" Smart
Tom Evans
Dan "RC" Owens

President Emeritus
Karl "Two Tone" LeRay



Copyright © 2015 ABATE of Alaska, All rights reserved.

Email Marketing Powered by MailChimp

ABATE Election Results Update

ABATE Election Results Update

ABATE Election Results Update

Boyd McFail




United we Ride……..Divided we Drive

Ben Stickley

Vice President
Geoff Oliver

Lynn Fibranz

Bobbe Reilly

Co-Sgt-At Arms
Daniel "Spider" Schneider
Mike P

Legislative Affairs
Boyd McFail

Run Coordinator
Chris 'Token" Rigel

Bobbe Reilly

Rider Education
Barbara "Barb" Smart

Chris 'Token" Rigel

Gaming Officer
Jon Sonju

Public Relations
Ed Rutledge

Newsletter Editor
Bobbe Reilly 

Web Master
Big Dave Monroe

Board Of Directors

Dan "Havoc" Coffey

Geoff Olivert

Ed Rutledge
Barbara 'Barb" Smart
Boyd McFail
Dan "RC" Owens

President Emeritus
Karl "Two Tone" LeRay

Well we screwed up a little on the Election results. We forgot to list the Product Officer and the second Gaming Officer.

Here are the results of the ABATE Elections
The Following will be the New Officers and Board of Directors for 2015
President                     Ed Rutledge
Vice President             Big Dave Monroe
Treasurer                     Bobbe Reilley
Secretary                     Lynn Fibranz
Legislative Affairs        Boyd McFail
Riders Ed                    Barbara “Barb” Smart
Membership                Bobbe Reilley
Run Coordinator         Julie Forsyth
Gaming                       Dan “RC” Owens
                                    Jon Sonju
Products                     Brad Campbell

Newsletter                  Bobbe Reilley
Co-Sgt’s Arms            Mike P
                                  Dan “Spider” Schneider
Web Master                Big Dave Monroe
Public Relations          Ed Rutledge

Barbara ‘Barb” Smart
Dan “Havoc” Coffey
Dan “RC’ Owens
Geoff Oliver
Big Dave Monroe
Tom Evans
Start making plans to come and meet all the new officers and directors Saturday Jan. 24th
at the ABATE Meet & Greet (date is tentative at this time). More information coming.

Copyright © 2014 ABATE of Alaska, All rights reserved.

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New NHTSA Chief Confirmed by Senate

New NHTSA Chief Confirmed by Senate

New NHTSA Chief Confirmed by Senate

Boyd McFail




United we Ride……..Divided we Drive

Ben Stickley

Vice President
Geoff Oliver

Lynn Fibranz

Bobbe Reilly

Co-Sgt-At Arms
Daniel "Spider" Schneider
Mike P

Legislative Affairs
Boyd McFail

Run Coordinator
Chris 'Token" Rigel

Bobbe Reilly

Rider Education
Barbara "Barb" Smart

Chris 'Token" Rigel

Gaming Officer
Jon Sonju

Public Relations
Ed Rutledge

Newsletter Editor
Bobbe Reilly 

Web Master
Big Dave Monroe

Board Of Directors

Dan "Havoc" Coffey

Geoff Olivert

Ed Rutledge
Barbara 'Barb" Smart
Boyd McFail
Dan "RC" Owens

President Emeritus
Karl "Two Tone" LeRay


NHTSA Chief confirmed by U.S. Senate

December 19, 2014

For Immediate Release

The United States Senate has confirmed President Barack Obama’s nominee to head the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). In a late night Senate session, the confirmation was part of a large package of other non-controversial nominees. Mark Rosekind was nominated nearly a year after former NHTSA boss, David Strickland, stepped down.  Rosekind was a National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) board member.


Rosekind, sleep scientist by training, has been on the NTSB's board since 2010. Before that, he spent 13 years as the president of Alertness Solutions and also worked for NASA for several years. Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx called Rosekind a "leader ready-made for this critical responsibility," adding it would be his job not only to hold automakers accountable, but "raise the bar on safety.” According to the NTSB website, Rosekind is a leading expert in human fatigue.


Rosekind has his work cut out for him; NHTSA has suffered amid harsh criticism that the agency has sat on the sidelines concerning recent auto part failure recall, such as the GM ignition switch and the Takata Corp airbag recall. A troubled website and a botched attempt to alert the public about the potentially fatal airbags have left NHTSA reeling. To put things in perspective, Joan Claybrok, a former NHTSA administrator, and hater of all things motorcycle, called the current state of affairs at the safety administration “a total meltdown, a royal embarrassment and calls into question the trustworthiness of the agency.” These are harsh words from a longtime and very loyal supporter of NHTSA.


Still pending is the Senate confirmation of Presidents Obama’s pick to head the National Transportation Safety Board, Christopher Hart. 

All Information contained in this release is copyrighted. Reproduction permitted with attribution. 
Motorcycle Riders Foundation. All rights reserved.
Ride With The LeadersTM by joining the MRF at or call (202) 546-0983

Copyright © 2014 ABATE of Alaska, All rights reserved.

Email Marketing Powered by MailChimp

ABATE Election Results

ABATE Election Results

ABATE Election Results

Boyd McFail




United we Ride……..Divided we Drive

Ben Stickley

Vice President
Geoff Oliver

Lynn Fibranz

Bobbe Reilly

Co-Sgt-At Arms
Daniel "Spider" Schneider
Mike P

Legislative Affairs
Boyd McFail

Run Coordinator
Chris 'Token" Rigel

Bobbe Reilly

Rider Education
Barbara "Barb" Smart

Chris 'Token" Rigel

Gaming Officer
Jon Sonju

Public Relations
Ed Rutledge

Newsletter Editor
Bobbe Reilly 

Web Master
Big Dave Monroe

Board Of Directors

Dan "Havoc" Coffey

Geoff Olivert

Ed Rutledge
Barbara 'Barb" Smart
Boyd McFail
Dan "RC" Owens

President Emeritus
Karl "Two Tone" LeRay

Here are the results of the ABATE Elections
The Following will be the New Officers and Board of Directors for 2015
President                     Ed Rutledge
Vice President             Big Dave Monroe
Treasurer                     Bobbe Reilley
Secretary                     Lynn Fibranz
Legislative Affairs        Boyd McFail
Riders Ed                    Barbara “Barb” Smart
Membership                Bobbe Reilley
Run Coordinator         Julie Forsyth
Gaming                       Dan “RC” Owens
Newsletter                  Bobbe Reilley
Co-Sgt’s Arms            Mike P
                                  Dan “Spider” Schneider
Web Master                Big Dave Monroe
Public Relations          Ed Rutledge
Barbara ‘Barb” Smart
Dan “Havoc” Coffey
Dan “RC’ Owens
Geoff Oliver
Big Dave Monroe
Tom Evans
Start making plans to come and meet all the new officers and directors Saturday Jan. 24th
at the ABATE Meet & Greet (date is tentative at this time). More information coming.


Copyright © 2014 ABATE of Alaska, All rights reserved.

Email Marketing Powered by MailChimp

ABATE of Colorado Needs Help

ABATE of Colorado Needs Help

ABATE of Colorado Needs Help

Boyd McFail




United we Ride……..Divided we Drive

Ben Stickley

Vice President
Geoff Oliver

Lynn Fibranz

Bobbe Reilly

Co-Sgt-At Arms
Daniel "Spider" Schneider
Mike P

Legislative Affairs
Boyd McFail

Run Coordinator
Chris 'Token" Rigel

Bobbe Reilly

Rider Education
Barbara "Barb" Smart

Chris 'Token" Rigel

Gaming Officer
Jon Sonju

Public Relations
Ed Rutledge

Newsletter Editor
Bobbe Reilly 

Web Master
Big Dave Monroe

Board Of Directors

Dan "Havoc" Coffey

Geoff Olivert

Ed Rutledge
Barbara 'Barb" Smart
Boyd McFail
Dan "RC" Owens

President Emeritus
Karl "Two Tone" LeRay

Important message from
ABATE of Colorado
November 19, 2014

We at ABATE of Colorado are aware that there have been rumors going around the country about issues and problems within our organization. Unfortunately, we are experiencing some difficulties and very tough times. We have experienced some improprieties from within and have had to turn some information over to legal authorities for further investigation and resolution.

To try and return ABATE of Colorado to its original mission and objectives and get us back on track, we have replaced some of our leadership. We are making an extreme effort internally to reorganize and revamp how we conduct our business to the best of our abilities. We are also consulting with others from within the movement for their advice and counsel.

Currently we are experiencing some extreme financial difficulties that we may not be able to overcome without help. We have asked the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) for their assistance by distributing letters to its members and supporting organizations. We ask that any member, MRO, or supporting organization that could possibly help, make a donation to ABATE of CO. We are a 501(c) 3 not for profit organization so all donations are tax deductible.

                Donations can be made by going to: and clicking on the donation button;

                Use your Pay Pal account to send to:; or

                ABATE of Colorado, P.O. Box 111528, Aurora, CO  80042-1528

Thank you for any donation you can provide and for your support.


Bruce Downs

State Coordinator


All Information contained in this release is copyrighted. Reproduction permitted with attribution. Motorcycle Riders Foundation. All rights reserved.
Ride With The LeadersTM by joining the MRF at or call (202) 546-0983

Copyright © 2014 ABATE of Alaska, All rights reserved.

Email Marketing Powered by MailChimp

Two More Days till ABATE Elections

Two More Days till ABATE Elections

Two More Days till ABATE Elections

Boyd McFail




United we Ride……..Divided we Drive

Ben Stickley

Vice President
Geoff Oliver

Lynn Fibranz

Bobbe Reilly

Co-Sgt-At Arms
Daniel "Spider" Schneider
Mike P

Legislative Affairs
Boyd McFail

Run Coordinator
Chris 'Token" Rigel

Bobbe Reilly

Rider Education
Barbara "Barb" Smart

Chris 'Token" Rigel

Gaming Officer
Jon Sonju

Public Relations
Ed Rutledge

Newsletter Editor
Bobbe Reilly 

Web Master
Big Dave Monroe

Board Of Directors

Dan "Havoc" Coffey

Geoff Olivert

Ed Rutledge
Barbara 'Barb" Smart
Boyd McFail
Dan "RC" Owens

President Emeritus
Karl "Two Tone" LeRay


The Elections are in two days.
Your vote counts


Ballots must be returned by 7:30 PM Thursday, November 20, 2014
You have three options to submit your ballot:
1. Bring the ballot with you to the November General Membership meeting on November 20, 2014 @ 7pm. Meeting held at the Sea Galley restaurant in the “Section 13” room, Anchorage, AK.

2. Mail your ballot to PO Box 92213, Anchorage, AK 99509. Ballot must be received by November 20, 2014. Mail will be picked up at noon on the day of meeting and delivered to the meeting.

3. Drop off your ballot at Alaska Leather before the meeting. Ballots will be picked up at noon day of meeting and delivered to the meeting.
Please do not copy your ballot. Duplicates will not be counted. If someone you know did not get a ballot in the mail they must call or see the membership coordinator with their correct address to receive their ballot. (Bobbe Reilly 569-1843)
Instructions for mail-in or drop off ballots:
After filling out your ballot place it in the return address envelope. Insure that your name and membership number is printed on the return envelope. You will need to have your ballot inside the return envelope whether you mail it in, drop it of at Alaska Leather, or bring it to the meeting to drop it in the ballot box.
The ballot will be removed and placed in the ballot box after your name has been verified as a current member of ABATE of Alaska which qualifies you as a casting vote.
Please note meeting place and time for elections:
General Membership Meeting
Thursday, November 20, 2014

Sea Galley Restaurant, Section 13 Room

The Warren Garrison Award:
Warren Garrison was an outstanding member of ABATE. Though he did not hold an office or board position he was always here with his insight, knowledge and helping hands. Upon his death in 1993 ABATE decided to honor him by creating an award in his name. This is ABATE’s highest award and is given to the person or persons that the membership feels has exemplified and promoted ABATE and it’s volunteer mission to the highest standards for the passed year. This award is open to anyone that is a current member of ABATE 

Copyright © 2014 ABATE of Alaska, All rights reserved.

Email Marketing Powered by MailChimp

MRF 2015 Legislative Strategy Agenda

MRF 2015 Legislative Strategy Agenda

MRF 2015 Legislative Strategy Agenda

Boyd McFail




United we Ride……..Divided we Drive

Ben Stickley

Vice President
Geoff Oliver

Lynn Fibranz

Bobbe Reilly

Co-Sgt-At Arms
Daniel "Spider" Schneider
Mike P

Legislative Affairs
Boyd McFail

Run Coordinator
Chris 'Token" Rigel

Bobbe Reilly

Rider Education
Barbara "Barb" Smart

Chris 'Token" Rigel

Gaming Officer
Jon Sonju

Public Relations
Ed Rutledge

Newsletter Editor
Bobbe Reilly 

Web Master
Big Dave Monroe

Board Of Directors

Dan "Havoc" Coffey

Geoff Olivert

Ed Rutledge
Barbara 'Barb" Smart
Boyd McFail
Dan "RC" Owens

President Emeritus
Karl "Two Tone" LeRay

2015 MRF Legislative Strategy Agenda  


10 November 2014

Contact: Kirk “Hardtail” Willard, MRF President,

The Motorcycle Riders Foundation Releases its Legislative Strategy Agenda for 2015  


At the 2014 Motorcycle Riders Foundation’s (MRF) 30th Anniversary Meeting of the Minds Conference held in September in Kansas City, Missouri, a Legislative Strategy Session was hosted by the MRF’s Legislative Committee. As has been done for the past several years, the MRF requested that it be attended by Sustaining State Motorcyclists’ Rights Organizations (SSMRO) Legislative and/or Executive Officers. We welcomed several representatives from our Sustaining Motorcycle Clubs and Organizations as well. The goal was to set the MRF’s Federal Legislative Agenda for the 2014 Meeting of the Minds to the 2015 Meeting of the Minds annual cycle.

The MRF’s SSMRO partners responded once again with a majority attendance that resulted in a healthy dialogue focused on motorcycling. The MRF Legislative Committee remains extremely pleased at the aligned and clear direction we experienced again this year from our SSMRO partners. This level of agreement continues to allow for solid action plans to be developed by our Legislative Committee and our Board of Directors that can be effectively employed by our Government Relations Department and our SSMRO partners while in Washington D.C. and in working federal issues in their home states. Additionally, we continue to see productive gains in state legislative activities that support our federal efforts when it comes to protecting on-road motorcyclists, motorcycling, and its associated lifestyle.

The MRF Legislative Committee continued the practice instituted four years ago of recording one vote per SSMRO in attendance. A full breakdown of each vote can be seen in the upcoming issue of the MRF Reports. The session this year was moderated by MRF Vice President, Jay Jackson, with support from MRF Vice President of Government Relations & Public Affairs, Jeff Hennie, and MRF President, Kirk “Hardtail” Willard.



  • MAP 21 upcoming reauthorization (the Highway Bill) – To include Motorcycle 2010 type Grant Funding (the MRF to pursue the current levels of funding along with a request to tighten up language for qualification and use), continuation of the NHTSA Lobbying Ban, pursue reinstatement of the Motorcycle Advisory Council (MAC) to advise the FHWA (Federal Highway Administration), oppose any motorcycling related federal blackmails or federal sanctions contained in the highway bill; closely monitor for any action that would negatively impact motorcycles, motorcycling, and motorcyclists; seek to include HR1861 type language to ban motorcycle specific roadblock grant funding

  • SAE Motorcycle Roadside Sound Test – The MRF to NOT promote the use of the SAE Sound Test as a National enforcement standard, majority considered this a state issue

  • NHTSA motorcycle-specific checkpoint grant program – MRF to carry out a full effort to cut off specified use of funding for this motorcycle-based discriminatory practice, work with SMRO’s to exchange information on passing anti-checkpoint laws within the state, work to get new HR1861 like resolution language written and introduced

  • Continue monitoring the Federal Crash Causation study and the MSF Naturalistic study

  • Strongly oppose any federal standard proposing stamping and certifying of motorcycle exhaust systems

  • Continue to oppose federal agency activity regarding EPA Sound Emission User studies and the encouragement of state activity with federal resources – again deemed to be a state issue

  • Work to discourage ALL forms of distracted driving, and oppose all forms of funding blackmails or withholding of funds as related to motorcyclists, watch this issue closely for motorcycle specific discriminatory language

  • Continue participation at the federal level where the definition of a motorcycle is under review taking advantage of any opportunity available to enhance and further clarify

  • MRF will oppose any motorcycling, motorcycle, or motorcyclist-based discriminatory legislation or rules proposed by the U.S. Congress or by a federal agency

  • MRF to seek a legislative vehicle to include motorcyclist anti-profiling language this upcoming session

  • Continue participation in motorcycle related activity in the European Union, United Nations and Canada

  • MRF to fiercely oppose any mandatory helmet or apparel standards

  • MRF directed by our SSMRO’s to not support the use of ethanol fuels higher than E10 or any other newly developed fuel blends including alternative renewable fuels without further testing on motorcycle engines and obtaining specific recommendations from motorcycle manufacturers approving their use, MRF and SSMRO’s to continue to pursue passage of HR875 type language

  • MRF to continue to insure the inclusion of motorcycles in ongoing Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) emerging technologies

  • Pursue safer roadway design strategies at the federal level, include safer cable barrier research similar to European improvements in the discussion

  • Continue to promote our theme of crash avoidance versus safer crashing, using the principles of HR1498 urging NHTSA to focus on crash prevention and rider education

  • MRF to pursue limiting funding of the Center for Disease Control (CDC) for their increasing involvement in motorcycling safety issues

  • MRF to pursue limiting of funding of CDC on their involvement in motorcycling safety issues through a relevant appropriations bill, pursue CDC lobby ban and seek to remove language where CDC suggests motorcycle crashes are preventable injury events. MRF to continue to support efforts to refocus the CDC on their mission as stated in the letter from Congressman Petri to the CDC on September 27th, 2013

  • MRF to monitor private organizations that oppose the legislative agenda or mission of the MRF and investigate their funding sources to make certain they are not receiving federal tax dollars

  • MRF to monitor public organizations for funding sources when in opposition to our legislative agenda or mission and respond appropriately if they receive federal tax dollars

  • MRF to monitor and report on transportation entities that are active in motorcycling but by their charters or mission statements are or should be non-relevant to motorcycles

  • MRF to monitor and report on non-transportation federal agencies becoming increasingly involved in motorcycling such as the Government Accountability Office (GAO)

  • MRF to continue to closely monitor the federally mandated Affordable Health Care Act for potential motorcyclist and motorcycling discrimination

  • MRF to fully engage the EPA on upcoming activity on motorcycle emission regulations and motorcycle drive train mandates

  • MRF to support the Black Box Protection Act, currently HR2414, seek introduction of similar language in the upcoming Congress to regulate black boxes in motorcycles, seek to clarify the rights of the vehicle owner to ownership of the recorded data

  • MRF to research fair tolling concepts on federally funded roads and roads supported by federal bonds

  • Federal Agency Motorcycle Design Standards – MRF to oppose non-motorcycle manufacturer mandated specific design standards

  • There was agreement that while the handling of non-motorcycle powered two and three wheelers such and mopeds, scooters, and the various cabin based steering wheel type vehicles was considered a state by state issue that there would be an effort to get these removed from motorcycle crash statistics if they do not have to follow the existing motorcycle licensing program in the state.

With the current U.S. Congress, combined with our comprehensive and aggressive legislative agenda, the MRF Legislative Committee strongly encourages our SSMRO partners and our MRF members to actively engage in a lively motorcycling dialogue with their U.S. House of Representative and U.S. Senate Members as an immediate priority. We will need a strong presence going into the new 114th Congress as well. If your SSMRO needs any assistance in planning a trip to Washington D.C. to begin or strengthen the dialogue with your members of Congress, contact Jeff Hennie in the MRF office at 202-546-0983 or We would also like to encourage you to finalize your plans to attend our national biker lobby day event in Washington D.C., Bikers Inside the Beltway, on Thursday May 14th, 2015. See our website at for more details.

MRF Legislative Committee Members:

Dave “DAD” Dwyer, George Gorman, Jeff Hennie, Lenny Holcomb, Jay Jackson, Jim “Legs” Korte, Boyd McFail, Bob Myers, Todd Riba, Kirk “Hardtail” Willard (Chair)  

Copyright © 2012 Motorcycle Riders Foundation. All rights reserved.

Ride With The LeadersTM by joining the MRF at or call (202) 546-0983

Copyright © 2014 ABATE of Alaska, All rights reserved.

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Help ABATE at Fred Meyer

Help ABATE at Fred Meyer

Help ABATE at Fred Meyer

Boyd McFail




United we Ride……..Divided we Drive

Ben Stickley

Vice President
Geoff Oliver

Lynn Fibranz

Bobbe Reilly

Co-Sgt-At Arms
Daniel "Spider" Schneider
Mike P

Legislative Affairs
Boyd McFail

Run Coordinator
Chris 'Token" Rigel

Bobbe Reilly

Rider Education
Barbara "Barb" Smart

Chris 'Token" Rigel

Gaming Officer
Jon Sonju

Public Relations
Ed Rutledge

Newsletter Editor
Bobbe Reilly 

Web Master
Big Dave Monroe

Board Of Directors

Dan "Havoc" Coffey

Geoff Olivert

Ed Rutledge
Barbara 'Barb" Smart
Boyd McFail
Dan "RC" Owens

President Emeritus
Karl "Two Tone" LeRay

Fred Meyer is donating $2.5 million per year to non-profits in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington, based on where their customers tell them to give. Here’s how the program works:

  • Sign up for the Community Rewards program by linking your Fred Meyer Rewards Card to ABATE of Alaska at You can search for us by our name or by our non-profit number 92866.
  • Then, every time you shop and use your Rewards Card, you are helping ABATE of Alaska earn a donation!
  • You still earn your Rewards Points, Fuel Points, and Rebates, just as you do today.
  • If you do not have a Rewards Card, they are available at the Customer Service desk of any Fred Meyer store.
  • For more information, please visit

Copyright © 2014 ABATE of Alaska, All rights reserved.

Email Marketing Powered by MailChimp

CORRECTION The ABATE Election Ballots are in the Mail

CORRECTION The ABATE Election Ballots are in the Mail

CORRECTION The ABATE Election Ballots are in the Mail

Boyd McFail




United we Ride……..Divided we Drive

Ben Stickley

Vice President
Geoff Oliver

Lynn Fibranz

Bobbe Reilly

Co-Sgt-At Arms
Daniel "Spider" Schneider
Mike P

Legislative Affairs
Boyd McFail

Run Coordinator
Chris 'Token" Rigel

Bobbe Reilly

Rider Education
Barbara "Barb" Smart

Chris 'Token" Rigel

Gaming Officer
Jon Sonju

Public Relations
Ed Rutledge

Newsletter Editor
Bobbe Reilly 

Web Master
Big Dave Monroe

Board Of Directors

Dan "Havoc" Coffey

Geoff Olivert

Ed Rutledge
Barbara 'Barb" Smart
Boyd McFail
Dan "RC" Owens

President Emeritus
Karl "Two Tone" LeRay

It seems we forgot that Bobbe (Membership) and the person that would handle any Ballot issues had vacation planned for this time period. So any one that does not get a ballot in the mail please reply back to the Blast with your name and address or call Boyd 907-268-8091 and we'll get it fixed ASAP.

ABATE Election Ballots will be arriving in the mail soon. Please take the time to vote.

Ballots must be returned by 7:30 PM Thursday, November 20, 2014
You have three options to submit your ballot:
1. Bring the ballot with you to the November General Membership meeting on November 20, 2014 @ 7pm. Meeting held at the Sea Galley restaurant in the “Section 13” room, Anchorage, AK.

2. Mail your ballot to PO Box 92213, Anchorage, AK 99509. Ballot must be received by November 20, 2014. Mail will be picked up at noon on the day of meeting and delivered to the meeting.

3. Drop off your ballot at Alaska Leather before the meeting. Ballots will be picked up at noon day of meeting and delivered to the meeting.
Please do not copy your ballot. Duplicates will not be counted. If someone you know did not get a ballot in the mail they must call or see the membership coordinator with their correct address to receive their ballot. (Bobbe Reilly 569-1843)
Instructions for mail-in or drop off ballots:
After filling out your ballot place it in the return address envelope. Insure that your name and membership number is printed on the return envelope. You will need to have your ballot inside the return envelope whether you mail it in, drop it of at Alaska Leather, or bring it to the meeting to drop it in the ballot box.
The ballot will be removed and placed in the ballot box after your name has been verified as a current member of ABATE of Alaska which qualifies you as a casting vote.
Please note meeting place and time for elections:
General Membership Meeting
Thursday, November 20, 2014

Sea Galley Restaurant, Section 13 Room

The Warren Garrison Award:
Warren Garrison was an outstanding member of ABATE. Though he did not hold an office or board position he was always here with his insight, knowledge and helping hands. Upon his death in 1993 ABATE decided to honor him by creating an award in his name. This is ABATE’s highest award and is given to the person or persons that the membership feels has exemplified and promoted ABATE and it’s volunteer mission to the highest standards for the passed year. This award is open to anyone that is a current member of ABATE 

Copyright © 2014 ABATE of Alaska, All rights reserved.

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