CORRECTION The ABATE Election Ballots are in the Mail
CORRECTION The ABATE Election Ballots are in the Mail
CORRECTION The ABATE Election Ballots are in the Mail
United we Ride……..Divided we Drive
President Ben Stickley
Vice President Geoff Oliver
Lynn Fibranz
Bobbe Reilly
Co-Sgt-At Arms
Daniel "Spider" Schneider Mike P
Legislative Affairs
Boyd McFail
Run Coordinator
Chris 'Token" Rigel
Bobbe Reilly
Rider Education
Barbara "Barb" Smart
Products Chris 'Token" Rigel
Gaming Officer
Jon Sonju
Public Relations
Ed Rutledge
Newsletter Editor
Bobbe Reilly
Web Master
Big Dave Monroe
Board Of Directors
Chairman Dan "Havoc" Coffey
Geoff Olivert Ed Rutledge
Barbara 'Barb" Smart
Boyd McFail
Dan "RC" Owens
President Emeritus
Karl "Two Tone" LeRay
It seems we forgot that Bobbe (Membership) and the person that would handle any Ballot issues had vacation planned for this time period. So any one that does not get a ballot in the mail please reply back to the Blast with your name and address or call Boyd 907-268-8091 and we'll get it fixed ASAP.
ABATE Election Ballots will be arriving in the mail soon. Please take the time to vote.
Ballots must be returned by 7:30 PM Thursday, November 20, 2014
You have three options to submit your ballot:
1. Bring the ballot with you to the November General Membership meeting on November 20, 2014 @ 7pm. Meeting held at the Sea Galley restaurant in the “Section 13” room, Anchorage, AK.
2. Mail your ballot to PO Box 92213, Anchorage, AK 99509. Ballot must be received by November 20, 2014. Mail will be picked up at noon on the day of meeting and delivered to the meeting.
3. Drop off your ballot at Alaska Leather before the meeting. Ballots will be picked up at noon day of meeting and delivered to the meeting.
Please do not copy your ballot. Duplicates will not be counted. If someone you know did not get a ballot in the mail they must call or see the membership coordinator with their correct address to receive their ballot. (Bobbe Reilly 569-1843)
Instructions for mail-in or drop off ballots:
After filling out your ballot place it in the return address envelope. Insure that your name and membership number is printed on the return envelope. You will need to have your ballot inside the return envelope whether you mail it in, drop it of at Alaska Leather, or bring it to the meeting to drop it in the ballot box.
The ballot will be removed and placed in the ballot box after your name has been verified as a current member of ABATE of Alaska which qualifies you as a casting vote.
Please note meeting place and time for elections: General Membership Meeting Thursday, November 20, 2014
7:00PM Sea Galley Restaurant, Section 13 Room
BALLOT BOX WILL CLOSE AT 7:30 PM NOVEMBER 20, 2014 The Warren Garrison Award:
Warren Garrison was an outstanding member of ABATE. Though he did not hold an office or board position he was always here with his insight, knowledge and helping hands. Upon his death in 1993 ABATE decided to honor him by creating an award in his name. This is ABATE’s highest award and is given to the person or persons that the membership feels has exemplified and promoted ABATE and it’s volunteer mission to the highest standards for the passed year. This award is open to anyone that is a current member of ABATE