Geoff Olivert Ed Rutledge
Barbara 'Barb" Smart
Boyd McFail
Dan "RC" Owens
President Emeritus
Karl "Two Tone" LeRay
Well we screwed up a little on the Election results. We forgot to list the Product Officer and the second Gaming Officer.
Here are the results of the ABATE Elections
The Following will be the New Officers and Board of Directors for 2015
President Ed Rutledge
Vice President Big Dave Monroe
Treasurer Bobbe Reilley
Secretary Lynn Fibranz
Legislative Affairs Boyd McFail
Riders Ed Barbara “Barb” Smart
Membership Bobbe Reilley
Run Coordinator Julie Forsyth
Gaming Dan “RC” Owens Jon Sonju
Products Brad Campbell Newsletter Bobbe Reilley
Co-Sgt’s Arms Mike P
Dan “Spider” Schneider
Web Master Big Dave Monroe
Public Relations Ed Rutledge
Barbara ‘Barb” Smart
Dan “Havoc” Coffey
Dan “RC’ Owens
Geoff Oliver
Big Dave Monroe
Tom Evans
Start making plans to come and meet all the new officers and directors Saturday Jan. 24th
at the ABATE Meet & Greet (date is tentative at this time). More information coming.