Category Archives: General

The ABATE of Alaska 2018 Elections Are Here!


The ABATE of Alaska 2018 Elections
Are Here!
October 8, 2018

Dear ABATE Member

It’s that time of year again. Time to elect new Officers and Board members for ABATE of Alaska to serve beginning in the 2019 calendar year.  Please click here to download your nomination sheet.  Then you can print it, fill it out, and return it to us.

Remember that ABATE has a purpose that is unlike any other organization in the motorcycling community. ABATE is not a social club, but we need to have some fun activities for our members after we get the work done.

 We have two missions:

  1. To promote motorcycle safety education programs, public awareness programs, and motorcycle rider training programs.
  1. To promote fair motorcycle legislation, and work to prevent enactment of, or the repeal of existing unfair anti-motorcycling legislation.

These tasks are not easy tasks. To accomplish them we need to have dedicated people to make the whole organization work.

So please take a minute and think about the fact that we all love the life style that has become a part of our daily lives, and that we need to work to keep those who would take it away from us from doing just that.

Nominate some one you know that is capable and willing to do the job at hand, and don’t forget that you may be the one for the job.

Please bring the nomination sheet with you to the October 18th General Membership meeting at the Peanut Farm Restaurant, Anchorage @ 7pm. You may mail in your nomination to the address above postmarked before October 18th or also drop them off at Alaska Leather before the meeting. Nominations will close during the meeting after the last nomination is taken from the floor.

Elections will be held at the November 15th, 2018 General membership meeting.

ABATE of Alaska encourages new nominations from our membership.  Currently, several individuals hold more than one title.  New blood is always welcome.
Visit us at: or


A.B.A.T.E. of Alaska Has Published Our Mid-Season Newsletter

ABATE of Alaska
Mid-Season Newsletter

We published our mid-season  newsletter for June 2018!

You may download the newsletter and
read it from here:
(In order to reduce costs and continue to be good stewards of your ABATE funds, we will continue sending the newsletters only electronically.  If this is an issue for you, please reply to this email or contact us at a meeting to get a hard copy. We will have hard copies available at the July General membership meeting!)

Thank you all for supporting your
ABATE of Alaska!

Please help support your ABATE of Alaska! We have Raffle tickets!

$10 each

Drawing will be on September 15th, 2018 at the ABATE of Alaska Freeze-Up Run!

Please contact an ABATE of Alaska officer or board member for more info!

A.B.A.T.E. of Alaska has posted the May 03, 2018 version of our updated By-Laws

ABATE of Alaska

FYI – A.B.A.T.E. of Alaska has posted the May 03, 2018 version of our updated By-Laws.

They are available for public review at: 

Please help support your ABATE of Alaska! We have Raffle tickets!

$10 each

Drawing will be on September 15th, 2018 at the ABATE of Alaska Freeze-Up Run!

Please contact an ABATE of Alaska officer or board member for more info!

ABATE of Alaska Supports the Eagle River Triathlon


ABATE of Alaska
Eagle River Triathlon
Road Guards

ABATE of Alaska is supporting the Eagle River Triathlon again this year by providing motorcycle road guards along their bicycle course on Sunday, June 3, 2018!

In return, the Eagle River Triathlon supports ABATE of Alaska by donating to Christmas in July each year. For this event, ABATE of Alaska members help keep the riders on course and provide other help and encouragement that the racers may need. (Read more about the triathlon at:

ABATE of Alaska is calling out to its members to help out!

It would be great to have about two dozen volunteers to help out on race day from 7:30 AM (0730) to about 3:00 PM (1500). This will require motorcycle riders to provide assistance along the bike course.

If you are willing to help out, please arrive with your motorcycle at McDonald’s in Eagle River between 0630 and 0700 for coffee and assemble to ride as a collective group to Chugiak High School to arrive at 0730. Once we are assembled at Chugiak High School, we’ll each get our location assignments for the day. Some riders will be roaming the course while others will be manning specific locations.

Please arrive dressed for the weather with a full tank of gas, and enough water and snacks for the day. We will be manning the course for about 7 hours, so if more people show up, we may be able to take more frequent breaks.

Please help support your ABATE of Alaska! We have Raffle tickets!

Drawing will be on September 15th, 2018 at the ABATE of Alaska Freeze-Up Run!

Please contact an ABATE of Alaska officer or board member for more info!

Help End Motorcycle Profiling

End Motorcycle Profiling
Reprinted with permission from the
Motorcycle Riders Foundation
January 27, 2018

ABATE of Alaska and the Motorcycle Riders Foundation in Washington, DC need your help!

CALL TO ACTION: National Profiling Survey

Your MRF has been hard at work in Washington, DC shoring up support for bipartisan and bicameral legislation to address motorcycle profiling. H.Res.318 and S.Res.154 are pending before Congress and in need of additional supporters in order to move forward in the legislative process.

Like any credible, national organization we make our case for more supporters with cold, hard facts. To get these facts, we work closely with the Motorcycle Profiling Project who is collecting data to demonstrate where profiling is occurring in the country and if it is on the rise.

To help make sure the data we present to our lawmakers is as accurate as possible, I am asking you to take a few moments and fill out the survey which can be accessed by clicking on the link below. It’s completely anonymous and it’s only 13 questions.


On behalf of the entire MRF membership and its Board of Directors, thank you for your support on this issue.

Kirk “Hardtail” Willard
MRF President

All Information contained in this release is copyrighted. Reproduction permitted with attribution. Motorcycle Riders Foundation. All rights reserved. Ride With The Leaders ™ by joining the MRF at or call (202) 546-0983.

Please help get motorcycle rider advocates on the Motorcyclist Advisory Council

To all motorcycle riders and their family and friends,
In less than a week the Motorcyclist Advisory Council will convene to discuss issues important to motorcyclists; road curve and design, self-driving cars, road barriers – all of these items will be discussed. Do you know how many motorcycle association representatives are on the Council to discuss these critical issues? ONE. That’s right. ONE.OUT.OF.TEN.
Help me deliver a strong message to the Federal Highway Administration by signing a petition to request for additional seats for motorcycle associations to serve on the Council and speak on behalf of the motorcycle community.
We’re up to almost 2,700 names so far – can you help me double that?
Forward this message, Post the link on Facebook. Distribute to your family, friends and fellow riders. Together, we can send a strong message to the Federal Highway Administration. THIS IS OUR COUNCIL AND WE WILL NOT BE SILENCED.
Together, let’s spread the word: #LetRidersSpeak
-Megan Ekstrom
Vice-President, Government Affairs
The Motorcycle Riders Foundation, Washington, D.C.

ABATE of Alaska Election Results

ABATE of Alaska
Election Results

Please meet your
2018 ABATE of Alaska Board and Officers!

(The Chair for 2018 will be elected by the board
at the January meeting.)

Board Of Directors
Dan “Havoc” Coffey
“Big Dave Grizzly” Monroe
Barbara “Barb” Smart
Dan “RC” Owens
Daniel “Spider” Schneider
Tim Kelly


Ed Rutledge
Vice President
Diamond Burgess
Lesle “Scottie” Moore
Tim Kelly
Sgt-At Arms
Daniel “Spider” Schneider
Legislative Affairs
Tom Evans
Run Coordinator
Judy Smith
Ken Coston
Rider Education
Barbara “Barb” Smart
Judy Smith
Gaming Officer
Ed Rutledge
Public Relations
Sarah Coe
Newsletter Editor
Erin Goggins
COC Liaison
Chris “Token” Applebee

Please come meet next year’s Board and Officers at ABATE of Alaska’s January 7th Annual Meet and Greet!

La Cabana’s in Anchorage
Saturday, January 27, 2018
312 E 4th Ave, Anchorage, AK 99501

More information to follow!


2018 General Election ABATE of Alaska Board and Officers

2018 General Election
ABATE of Alaska
Board and Officers

November 16, 2017
General Membership Meeting
Inside the Peppermill at the Sea Galley

If you have not yet mailed in your ballot,
you can cast your ballot in person!
Votes will be counted
and we hear from our
Spotlight Business Member
Team CC

Join us as of our business member Team CC
presents what they bring to the motorcycle community.

We hope to see you at the
ABATE Monthly General Membership Meeting!
Pepper Mill Restaurant, 4101 Credit Union Dr, Anchorage, AK 99503, United States

We have published our end-of-season newsletter for October 2017!

We’ve had a busy year and you, the membership, have helped make it a very strong one!

You may download the newsletter and read it from here:

(In order to reduce costs and continue to be good stewards of your ABATE funds, we are now sending the newsletters only electronically.  If this is an issue for you, please reply to this email or contact us at a meeting to get a hard copy. We will have hard copies available at the November General membership meeting!)

Thank you all for supporting ABATE of Alaska!

Nominations are Open for the 2018 ABATE of Alaska Board and Officers

2017 ABATE of Alaska
General Elections

Again we are fast approaching that time of year when it is time to elect new Officers and Board
Members for ABATE of Alaska to serve for the 2018 calendar year.Nominations are now open! Please print out the letter and then bring the nomination sheet with you to the October 20th General Membership meeting
at the Pepper Mill / Sea Galley Restaurant, Anchorage at 7:00 PM.You may also drop your nominations off at Alaska Leather before the meeting.

If you prefer, you may mail in your nomination to the address below postmarked before October 20th.

Alaska Bikers Advocating Training and Education
P.O. Box 92213
Anchorage, AK 99509-2213

A copy of the letter is available here 2017-Nomination-Letter-1.pdf and you can also download one at the link here at

Nominations will close during the meeting after the last nomination is
taken from the floor.

Nominees must be current ABATE of Alaska members in good standing!

Elections will be held at the November 16th, 2017 General Membership meeting.

(Incumbent Board Members and Officers are listed here: )