General Membership Meeting

9191 Old Seward Highway, #9
Anchorage, Alaska 99515,+AK+99515&fb=1&geocode=4140788864692439869,61.137431,-149.864216&cd=1&z=16&iwloc=addr&om=0

(907) 349-8397 – Office
(907) 349-1671 – Canteen

For more info contact “Blue” 230-9305 or

ABATE of Alaska is not an M/C or riding club. ABATE is a non-profit dedicated to serving the comunity and esspecially the motorcyclist in the community. ABATE hopes to better the community through education and training and to protect the comunity through our legislative work to promote basic freedoms. Freedoms such as the right to repair, the right to choose to wear a helmet, the right to purchase insurance both medical and automotive.

Plus we just like to get together and have a good time.

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